Take 2 days to learn from the best in sustainable design, from product design and business to environmentally friendly foods and initiatives in your local community.
You’ll be learning from and brainstorming with 5 successful entrepreneurs about sustainability, whilst hanging in Outsite Santa Cruz, surfing and enjoying Cinco de Mayo!
05/04/2018 - Arrival
7PM - Food and drinks at Humble Sea Brewery
05/05/2018 - SPEAKERS
8AM - Breakfast
9AM- Workshop Visit - Ventana Surfboards & Supplies
12PM - Lunch - Catered by Real Good Fish
1PM - Speakers begin
3.30PM - Surf or Volleyball or Hot tub
6PM - Dinner & Drinks
05/04/2018 - Departure
8AM - Surf Lesson at Cowells Beach
11AM - Checkout
$ 300 USD / shared room
$ 400 USD / private room
$100 USD / optional surf lesson (May 6)
$20 USD / lunch & speakers session (May 5)
Outsite Members receive 15% off their booking.
Apply here to become a Member.